Woo! The Washington DC South mission now has iPads! Not only will I be able to further my missionary efforts through Facebook, but I'll be able to teach people via Skype! The Lord has given us great tools to help further His work! If you have any questions as to what Mormons are all about, just let me know!
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Missionaries using iPads! |
March 3, 2014
Lots happened this week. We had a bunch of lessons set up with new people that we had found, but they all fell through. One guy that we found is named Nate Red. We talked to him on the sidewalk as he was walking his dog. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he was super excited about it. Ha. So, of course, we were way excited about having a lesson with him. We knock on his apartment, and a lady opens the door. She said that Nate didn't live there. Cool fake address! We had even gone out of our way to get our ward mission leader and his wife to come along with us...... It turned out okay. We got to talking to the lady who lived there, and she said she's a Jehovah's Witness. I've never talked to a witness before. So it was really awesome. So far on my mission, I've learned so much about so many different religions and beliefs. It was really good to talk to her. If I don't help convert anyone on my mission, at least I'm helping people realize that Mormons are good, normal people with great values. And at the same time, I'm learning the same about so many other religions as well! I love it! Anyway, about Nate Red... I told Sister McKee that I hope we ran into him again sometime so I could introduce myself as Sister Purple. Haha.
There are so many less active women in this ward. And they all have huge major issues. Two ladies, that don't know each other at all, have bi-polar disorder. One of those ladies' husband ran away from home for the third time... oh my goodness. It's so hard to know how to help these people. I'm not a doctor or a shrink, but I am a representative of Jesus Christ. It's so hard. Pretty much all I can do for these women is love them.
We're working with the Elders in our ward to set up a Book of Mormon study class! It'll be every Tuesday night. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!! It's going to be like a Bible study, except all about the Book of Mormon! The people that we work with do not understand what they are reading in the Book of Mormon! And it's so important that they read it and gain a testimony of it! I started my own missionary blog. My first post was all about the Book of Mormon. You should read it!!!
Oh my! We had a GREAT lesson in a members' home with one of our returning less active members and her 8 year old son who is preparing for baptism. The 8 yr old, Zaine, thought that the Holy Ghost was a scary thing. When he thinks of ghosts, the first thing he thinks of is Halloween and scary movies. Haha. So cute. So we taught all about the Holy Ghost and it's role in conversion. We also talked about the Gift of the Holy Ghost that is given to us after we are baptized. It was a powerful lesson. And now Zaine understands that the Holy Ghost isn't a scary thing :)
We had a Family Fun night with a few members in our ward and their cute neighbors! We played Telepictionary (I think that'swhat the game was called) but it was so fun! President Riggs asked us to do family fun nights with members to introduce us to their friends and neighbors. That way, they get to know us outside of just us knocking their door that they will just open and shut after a few seconds. It's so great!
I've loved keeping in contact with my friends who are serving in other places in the world. It's hard to email/write them every week, but it's been fun sending quick emails of encouragement and support back and forth. I've been in the most contact with Sister Woolf and Elder Clark. Man! I KNOW that they're such great missionaries! The Lord has blessed me with so many great friends! I feel so lucky!
Thanks for the update on the family! Sounds like you'reall keeping busy! Love you all!
Sister Anderson
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