Sunday, October 27, 2013

One more picture

OK, so this picture was posted on Sister Anderson's FB and I thought I would share with everyone.  Just have to say how much I love these kids and what a great group of friends they have been for each other.
Elder Risk, Sister Anderson, and Elder Clark

October 23, 2013

This email was received on Wednesday.  I was starting to get a little worried.  Glad she is well.
HEY! Sorry I didn't email you right on Monday! Don't worry! I'd NEVER forgot to email you! We switched Pdays so that we could do an endowment session in the DC temple today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS SO COOL! I love that temple so much. It's so beautiful.
Okay so first off. 3 Ne 5:13.  Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life. I have this scripture hanging on my wall where I can see it every day. I love it. It's just a simple but strong testimony the reminds me of the importance of this work!
Okay so I can't remember everything that happened this week. It's all running together. I can't believe I've been on my mission for over a month now. I feel like I just got here. SO WEIRD.
I have a few funny stories from this week.
1. I street contacted into a drunk lady. Oops. We were walking around a busy street. When we're walking around I don't really look at the shops because I'm looking at the people. So I didn't notice that I was right outside of a busy SPORTS BAR. Heh heh.... so yeah. It was actually really funny. I'm not really afraid of anyone, so I walked right up to a group of two men and a woman and asked, "Hey what's up guys! What do you know about the Book of Mormon?!" I had one in my hand and the lady took it and started flipping through it. The two guys got kinda mad and said they didn't want to talk to me. So I said, "Oh that's fine! I'll talk to her! :) :)" Hahahaha! I think I scare my companion sometimes.... But by the end of our 45 minute conversation we were great friends! She was cracking jokes and everything! She said that we should go and talk to every drunk person and give them our phone number and say, "Hey when you wake up in the morning and feel like crap, give us a call!" So that's what I told her when we had to leave. She thought it was the funniest thing. Oh boy... Hey, I mean, Jesus hung out with the drunkards right?
2. Our number one investigator, George, thinks he's going to marry my companion. He has always hinted at the fact that he came here from Kenya to find an American wife. We met with him one night before his graveyard shift for work. We were talking with another man who just randomly came up to us in the street (Also from Africa) about the differences in culture. As if right on cue, George turns to Sister McKenna and says, "If I had it my way, I'd take one of these back to Africa with me. Especially THIS one." ......BAHAHAHAHAHAH! I cracked up! Probably not the best thing to do in that situation...but I just couldn't handle it! He was so serious! And the look on her face was PRICELESS! I tried to cover it up by saying, "NAHHH George! You can't have her! She's MY companion!" Oh boy.... We decided that we're only going to teach him in the church building or on the street rather than in his home any more.... So funny. Hey. Sister McKenna has a free ride to Africa! I'm never going to let her live that down.
3. AH! So I was TOTALLY hit on. So gross. We were street contacting on Mt. Vernon St. We were trying to go back to our car so we could go to an appointment with one of the members. We walked by a man standing at the bus stop. As we passed him he said, "Oh what a beautiful lady!" And me, being me, thought he said something about the beautiful night! AH! So I replied, "Oh, it's beautiful all right!" As soon as the words came out of my mouth I realized what he had actually said.....OH MY GOODESS. So he got a kick out of that and started calling after us and making nasty kissy noises. We definitely picked up the pace. He yelled behind us, "Oh you like that huh?" I turned around and called back, "NO WAY!". We started walking even faster. After a few seconds the yelling stopped. I turned around hoping to see that he had gotten on his bus...but he was RUNNING AFTER US! I turned to Sister McKenna and said, "Oh boy. We've got an issue." He caught up to us and started walking next to me. Before he could say a single word I blurted out, "You must want a Book of Mormon I just know you do!!" Thankfully that caught him off guard and he stuttered a bit and said something about how Mormons were weird. I don't really want to know what he actually said... But right then we had to cross the street for the car so I shouted BYE and from the crosswalk called back and told him that we believe in Jesus Christ! He just stood there all confused...hahaha. Before I hopped in the car and drove away I told him to go to! HAHAHAHAHAHA SO FUNNY
4. Okay. This isn't as funny. But one of the members made me eat an anchovy. Her name is Annette Antonelli. She's super cool. She told me that there were other missionaries in the world who were eating worse things. UGH it was gross. Haha.
So now for some miracles.
1. There's a lady named Katya. She's from Russia! And she is a less active member. She's had a pretty rough life and has been inactive for a while. Her first Sunday back to church was MY fist Sunday in the Potomac Mid Singles ward. Coincidence? NOPE. The spirit is amazing. It blows my mind every single day! I have been able to really get to know her and help her! She hasn't had very many visitors over, so she loves having the missionaries over! We went over one night and shared with her 2 Ne chapters 2 and 9, about the atonement. I was able to testify of the importance of the atonement and how we can use it for literally everything. Christ died to save us, but he suffered our pains, our afflictions, everything! He knows everything that we're going through. That was the first lesson that I walked out of and felt that I was used as an instrument in God's hands to help one of his children. It was amazing. During the whole lesson, I thought of Sierra and Tyler and Belana and how right before I left on my mission, they bore strong testimonies of the atonement during mission prep or when we were just hanging out. Man I just love being a missionary. I told Sister McKenna that if I didn't help anyone get into the waters of baptism while I was here it would be okay because I was able to help Katya remember the importance of the atonement in her life.
2. We got ahold of a former investigator!!! His name is Mauricio! He already knows everything a bout the gospel! So he's as good as baptized! ;) Just kidding. He's really close though! We'll be able to help him get there! I just know it!
3. Even though I'm in a Mid-Singles ward, I was able to see a Primary Program! And investigator that we've been trying to get ahold of for WEEKS invited US to another ward!!! (usually it's the other way around!) But as soon as he called us, we were there! And it happened to be the day of the primary program! I just love the testimonies of young children! They are so pure and simple! But they are strong! I thought of Brendan and started crying. :) Everyone around me probably thought I was crazy, but I don't care!
Oh hey! Just on another note, we get to do service once every week. We go to a place called Lindon. It's right across the street from where the church building is. They hire special needs adults. And we go to help them out! We were in charge of weeding a garden and planting bulbs! And oh my goodness! I just love those people! Most people look at my face and then my name tag and run the other way. But these sweet, sweet people don't care who I am, or why I'm there! They don't judge at all! They are so loving. I'm thinking that sometime in my life when I figure out what I want to do when I grow up, I'm going to work with special needs people.
Cool scriptures that stood out to me this week:
2 Ne 7:8 and the Lord is near, and he justifieth me. Who will contend with me? Let us stand together. Who is mine adversary? Let him come near me, and I will SMITE him with the words of my mouth!--Oh man. How cool is it that as I testify of Jesus Christ every day I am SMITING the adversary every day! It just makes me feel powerful. :)
2 Ne 4:16 Behold my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard.--I am always humbled because of the work of my God. He really is all powerful. I have seen so many miracles every single day.
Oh hey. I was asked to pray in sacrament meeting this last Sunday. That was my first official Sunday in this ward because of general conference and the single conference. And also my very first time praying in sacrament meeting. Dad would have been proud. He likes to see me pray. Also, just for all of your enjoyment, being the new missionary means that you get to pray every time you meet a new member. So I get to pray a whoooooooooooole lot. So you don't need to add up all the Mondays I'm missing. Unless you really want to. :)
I decided that missionary work is Visiting Teaching on steroids. Like mega steroids. We go around and visit SO many people. And we go visit a lot of members and less actives in this ward because that's what this area needs right now. So yeah. Tell the Relief Society ladies that they are all missionaries!!!
Keep praying for George!!! He's so close to baptism! I have complete faith that he will accept this restored gospel of Jesus Christ and all its teachings!
Sorry if you asked me questions. I don't even have time to read all my emails today! I love you all! Have a great week!
Sister Anderson

Sunday, October 20, 2013

First Full Week Out - Oct 14, 2013

We received this email on Monday.  Sounds like she's doing great.  Looking forward to tomorrow!
This has been a crazy week. I feel like so much has happened, but there's no way I'll be able to get it all into one email. So I'll just tell you the highlights. :)
Monday night we had scheduled time to go street contacting. But Sister McKenna and I both agreed that that wasn't where we needed to be. We needed to be in someones home. But we didn't know who. We prayed really hard to know where to be. After our prayer, we sat and listened to let the spirit guide us. I just looked around outside and noticed the sunset. It made the entire sky a burnt orange color. For some reason, the burnt orange made me think of the Revolutionary war. I don't know why...maybe it's because the whole "bombs bursting in air" thing. But then that lead me to think of one of our investigators, Rande. We had just visited her the night before and had invited her to come to Family Home Evening. It was about 7:30 at the time, so we weren't sure if she would have gone or to the activity or not. We waited for her at the church, but didn't see her. We waited a few minutes for her to show up, but I still felt like we needed to go out to her house. We drove out there, and sure enough, she was home! We just checked in on her to see how she was doing. Honestly, I have no idea why I felt prompted to go to her house, but that was one of the first times that I felt really prompted to go visit someone! So that was a pretty cool experience for me.
Tuesday a miracle happened. We were on King St contacting with not much luck. We were headed back to the car when Sister McKenna suddenly decided that we should cross the street. We stopped a lady who was walking toward us and started to talk to her about the gospel. Her name is Leah. Like Princess Leah from Star Wars. :) Turns out she had been looking for a religion after six years of being a non practicing Catholic. She researched on her own just two days before!!!! Oh man I do not believe in coincidences! We taught her the restoration and made a return appointment for the next night. I'm so glad God let me be a part of that miracle. I love being in the right place at the right time!
Wednesday night we had our lesson with Leah. She had a TON of questions, and we did our best to answer them. I just love being a missionary! The spirit brought so many scriptures to my memory that I hadn't read in months! It's amazing. Leah is totally going to get baptized I just know it! But as it turns out, we have to pass her to another set of missionaries because she isn't in our ward. Bummer!
Thursday was the hardest day for me on the mission. We spent a lot of time street contacting because we didn't have any appointments or lessons all day. It's so hard to be rejected so many times! But we kept stopping people and trying to talk to them. The hard part for me is when they say they're not interested in what we have to say. They don't even KNOW what we have to say! If they just knew the importance of our message, they would soak it up like a sponge! Oh well. We all have our agency....The funniest part of the day though... Oh boy. Some people are SO weird. I've been trying to be more bold with street contacting, and asking them a question right off the bat so I can spend more time teaching rather than introducing who I am. We walked toward a man dressed in all black and had a crazy look in his eyes. I stopped and asked, "Hey what do you know about the Book of Mormon?" He replied, "not much." Looking for a way to teach him about it so that it would make sense I asked, "Well have you read the Bible?" He said, "Nope!" I didn't really know where to go so I asked, "Do you believe in Jesus Christ?!" He said, "Nope. I don't know if you want to know what I believe in. It might scare you girls." So not really thinking I said, "Try me!!" He looked back and forth a few times between me and my companion and blurted, "I believe in the DEVIL!!!" And then he turned around and walked away laughing like a mad man. I couldn't believe that conversation was real!!!!! HAHAHAH! It felt like that whole moment was a scene from some old cheesy movie! I laughed for about 10 minutes!!! Oh my goodness. Some people are so weird out here.
Friday it rained. I thought I knew what a rainy day felt like until I came out to Virginia. It poured. I felt like I was taking a shower in my clothes. We were contacting on King St again and it was as though the clouds just dumped all the water they were carrying. And again, I felt like I was in a movie! Haha. It was a lot of fun.
Saturday we had a lesson with George. He really loves the Bible and is afraid that we're trying to replace it with the Book of Mormon. We started talking to him about how Christ visited the Nephites in the Americas. My companion started telling him about how in the Bible it talks about how Christ has other sheep and there shall be one fold and one Sheppard. Immediately, the scripture mastery song that I learned from my freshman year of seminary popped into my head!!! It was perfect timing too because George asked to see where the scripture was! And I was able to tell him! I've been preparing to teach George my whole life and I didn't even realize it!!!!! :) It was awesome. We just continued to show him how the Bible and the Book of Mormon testify of each other. I think it helped him. :) Pray for George! He's so close to gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon!!!!
Sunday we stopped in at our ward's fireside because we were expecting an investigator to show up. (She didn't show by the way :( ) But remember that song that we sang in ward choir called "My Kindness Shall Not Depart From Thee"? Well, the composer was the speaker! Pretty cool. They sang that song at the very end. I think Heavenly Father is trying to tell me something through that song because ever since I've been set apart as a missionary, I've heard it a bazillion times! It's a great song. Also. Sunday we had another appointment that fell through. The night before we contacted into a man named Jimmy and set up a return appointment to meet at the church building for a real lesson. He didn't show up. When we tried to call him, an Asian lady picked up. He gave us the wrong number! That sneaky man got our hopes up!
Yesterday we went to the Iwo Jima Memorial for Pday. It's HUGE! I'm assuming the government is still shut down because we couldn't get into the Arlington Cemetery....
Those are the highlights! I still love being a missionary though. This week was a little harder in the fact that my testimony is being tested. I am asking questions that I've never had to ask before. I can't remember who said it at conference a few weeks ago, but I love the quote, "doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith." It's so true. I am relying on the Lord all the time these days, and I know that he's carrying me BIG TIME.
My apartment is old. Haha. It's kinda gross, but it's a place to live so I can't complain. The walls everywhere are a sickly green color and the lighting gives me a headache. There's a gym though! So we go down and use it for our exercise period every morning and that's nice. We have personal study for an hour, comp study for two, lunch, and then we're out and about! We try to go contacting during the day and save our appointments for the evenings because I don't feel comfortable being out and about on the streets in the dark. That's creepy. Haha. I use my umbrella as a weapon...Sister McKenna must think I'm super paranoid or something. But hey! Better safe than sorry! I don't have my pepper spray with me!! Sister McKenna is 21 and she's from Idaho/Utah. Her family has moved around back and forth. She has three sisters and two step brothers. I think. Haha. She's right in the middle. She is AWESOME. She is the best trainer I could have asked for. She's been out for three months now, but to me it seems like she's been out for at least nine. I have about an hour an a half to email on Pdays. The library was closed yesterday because of Columbus day so I'm emailing today. :)
I think I answered all your questions! Haha.
So like I said earlier about street contacting, it's hard when you are rejected over and over again. And the longer we contact, the less bold I get. But I was reading in 2 Ne 1 (GREAT chapter by the way.) I really dissected it and it's helped me. In verse 26 Lehi is talking to Laman and Lemuel about how Nephi used sharpness and was bold with them. I really like the word SHARP because of the imagery. I think of a knife. A sharp knife will cut your skin a lot cleaner and easier. And a clean cut heals a lot faster. A dull knife isn't nearly as effective and leaves a jagged cut that will take a longer to heal. I need to be straight and to the point and be BOLD!  Also in verse 15 it talks about being encircled in the arms of His love. And I thought of Gpa K and the hugging bear song! I'm sure Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are the best at giving bear hugs! :)
I love you all!!! You're in my prayers. God is good!
Sister Anderson

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oct 2, 2013 - Pictures

Here are a couple of pictures of Sister Anderson the day she arrived in Washington DC.  Enjoy!

This was the group of 26 Elders and Six Sisters that arrived in Washington DC on October 2, 2013

Sister Anderson with President and Sister Riggs.

We also received a couple of letters from Sister Anderson........stay tuned!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Here is Sister Anderson's latest communication.  We received this last Monday.  I will try to do better getting something up a little faster.  Sister Anderson is really excited about missionary work!  Enjoy!

Here's a picture of Sister Anderson with Elder Risk before she left the MTC.  They were pretty excited to see each other!  Always a treat to see a friendly face.  GREAT kids!

Elder Risk and Sister Anderson
Well! I made it to Virginia! I love it here so much! The roads are really confusing. I feel like whoever made the road system used cooked spaghetti noodles as a model. The streets twist and turn in every direction!!! I'm going to have to invest in a GPS... Luckily my companion has one!
My last few days in the MTC were great. I was able to meet up with Elder Clark and his companion in the cafeteria for dinner! It was great to see him one last time. The last night we were there my district decided to do blessings. The elders were able to give all the sisters a blessing. I am so grateful for the priesthood. And I am so grateful to be a woman of this church! The elder that gave me my blessing had no idea what was on my mind. But the Lord did. :)
I fell asleep on the planes and didn't get to talk to anyone about the gospel. Man! I was so excited to talk to someone on the plane because when they're strapped in, they can't run away from me! Haha! Oh well. I have the next 18 months to talk to people about this wonderful gospel!!
We got off the plane and loaded into vans. The Riggs wanted to take us to the Lincoln memorial before we went to the mission home, but the government is SHUT DOWN. So we just wound up driving in circles before we decided to go back to the home. The mission home is beautiful. There was a basement with a bunch of bunk beds and floor space, so that's where they put all 26 of the elders. There were 6 sisters, so we stayed in the Riggs' daughter's rooms upstairs. I was so exhausted and could barely keep my eyes open! President Riggs interviewed all of us to get to know us all better. In the interview he said, "So now that you've graduated from the MTC, you should be an expert at role playing!" I immediately started sweating thinking that I'd have to give him the first lesson or something! But instead, he asked me to play the part of my mother while he played the part of President Riggs. Haha. So he asked me, as mom, to tell him what I thought of my daughter. Man, immediately I was overcome with the spirit. I told him about how I talked to my daughter earlier that day while she was at the airport and how I told her that she was born to be a missionary. I told him about how she has a special relationship with her Father in Heaven. Then he cut the role play. President then told me (as Sister Anderson) about how even before I got there he had heard so many great things about me! I was kinda surprised! But then I remembered Michael Litchfield used to be the Assistant to the President in my mission. :) That night I slept so well. They let us go to sleep earlier than 10:30, and I was SO grateful! It was a really long day.
The next day I met my first companion! Her name is Sister McKenna and I love her so much! She's my trainer for the next 6 weeks. I have already learned so much from her. She's a really good example to me. She's a little more quiet than I am, but she is really good at talking to people and telling them about Christ's wonderful gospel. After the transfer meeting as we were waiting by our car to leave, I asked her about our investigators! I just couldn't wait to meet them! She told me about a man named George from KENYA! She called and set up to meet with him later that evening. I was SO EXCITED! Meeting George was all I could think about as we drove back to our apartment. Before our appointment, we went street contacting. I just have to say that contacting is so much FUN!!!!!!! I love stopping people and talking to them! There are so many people of so many different backgrounds and I just love all of them! I didn't know I could love so many people, especially people I don't know. But Christ is sharing some of that love that he has for them with me. It's such a blessing. I told Sister McKenna the other day as we were driving to an appointment that I feel responsible for every person I lay eyes on. She told me that I shouldn't let that burden stress me out. I told her that I don't. The Savior is carrying that burden with me. I can literally feel it. It's amazing how much love he is capable of. Even as a missionary I can't comprehend it. Okay so George. George is AMAZING. My first impression of him was an impression of the spirit. My mind is still blown. I looked him in the eye, introduced myself and shook his hand. The moment I touched his hand, I literally saw him dressed in all white. It's as if he had magically changed his clothes and put on a white baptism jumpsuit. I am going to help him get baptized. I know that's my responsibility. I just know it. He's really hard to teach though. He has a strong background of the Bible and loves God so much! We went to teach him about faith, but he wound up talking about everything we were going to say! I was so amazed. It's almost as if he's already a member. I want so badly for George to be baptized and hold the priesthood. We're still trying to help him understand that the Book of Mormon isn't a replacement to the Bible, but an addition. It's another testament of Jesus Christ! It completes the Bible in areas that aren't clear! The Book of Mormon contains the fullness of Christ's restored gospel! He's so close to knowing of the full truth! I can't wait for him to realize it! :) :) :)
Last night I met a lady named Rande. She is SO PREPARED to hear the gospel! The Lord really has been preparing these people for me!
Man! My companion said we only have 5 more minutes! I have so much more to say! Okay I'll try.
Street contacting is so fun. I stopped a lady and immediately started talking to her kids. Turns out she's a single mom and hasn't been to church in a while. Her name is Lisa. Her kids are THE CUTEST! We didn't think to take their info, but we gave her a Book of Mormon. I think she listened to us because I actually took the time to talk to her kids. :) I love being sneaky like that. I love looking at someone and starting a conversation based on what they need to hear. :) It's so fun! The Lord is really blessing me to help me see pay attention to those kinds of things. The best part about street contacting is seeing people literally run away from us. I mean, come on! Did I grow fangs since I've moved to Virginia?! HAHA! Oh man....
I LOVE reading the Book of Mormon EVERY DAY! Every day blessings are promised us as we study the Book of Mormon and apply is to our lives. I have already learned so much. I loved conference. Saturday it was all about missionary work! The prophet charged EVERYONE of us to be a missionary NOW. We are all called of God! We're all missionaries! HOW GREAT IS OUR CALLING! Reading the BOM is hard sometimes. It's hard to find time in my busy day. I've made it to Nephi 18! Slowly but surely. Haha. It truly testifies of Jesus Christ.
I really liked how one of the repeated sayings of all the prophets were "be not afraid. Only believe" Man I have so much to say about conference. It was just amazing. The Lord revealed so much to me that will help me as a missionary. He also revealed things that will help these people in Virginia. I've seen so many miracles already. And I expect to see many more. I couldn't have made it even this far without the help of the Lord. I didn't think it was possible to pray as much as I have. Haha. I rely on him so much. I love him with all my heart. I love his children. I love my companion. I love my mission. I love being a missionary. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to be in this place at this time as a servant of our God. Stay strong! You're all in my many prayers. Sorry if I didn't answer all of your questions.
This is a great work! It's something worth being excited about! f
LOVE YOU ALL! Have a great week! :)
Sister Anderson

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Leaving for Washington DC South Mission

Being new to the blogging world, I find it difficult to keep up with an every day/every week post.  This will be something I continually work on so everyone can be better updated! 

Before Julie left for DC, we received this letter from her:

I get to call you guys from the airport tomorrow night at 2:30 am! It'll be 1:30 for you, but I can totally call you! Just thought I'd let you know! :) I'll call mom's number unless you dearelder me before dinner time and tell me otherwise. 
Today in class we practiced going up to people in the airport and getting referrals before we get to our actual missions! I AM SO EXCITED! I can't wait to start talking to people about who I am and who I represent! The church has always been such a big part of my life and I've never had trouble talking about it to anyone. But now that I'm a MISSIONARY, church IS my life! I am so excited to talk to those people in the airport that the Lord has been preparing for me! Even if I don't get any contacts, I'll be putting my testimony to action! WOOOHOOOO!!!! I am so excited that I just can't sit still. I can't stop smiling! I can't wait to get to that airport! I know there's a least one person there that the Lord wants me to talk to! I can just feel it! 
AND! I get to meet President Riggs tomorrow! I can't wait! 
I used to be scared to actually fly out to DC. But right now, I am burning to get out there! I haven't met anyone yet, but I already love them! Man, I love being a missionary. 
Thanks for all your love and support! I'll be sure to write you more when I have time! 
The church is true. His work is working! 
Sister Anderson
At 4:00am the phone rang!   Her flight left at 6am and she had just a few minutes to chat.  So I ran up and woke Dayle JR, Belana, and Brendan.  We all piled on my bed around my cell phone.   Ha ha.  I think we were half asleep, but it was great to hear her voice.  I asked her if she had an opportunity to meet anyone yet and she said that their group were the only ones there.  She said she still had time to make a contact or talk with someone.  Her travel plans included a layover in Minneapolis, MN, so she still had time.  That girl is really on FIRE.  I don't remember much about our early morning conversation, but I could feel her love for the Lord and could tell she was going to serve with all her might.  She has always been such a spiritual person.  I look up to her for that.
I also received another phone call from Julie as I was driving to work.  We talked for maybe five minutes during her layover in MN.  Talked about the MTC a little bit.  She said it was hard work and how she was glad to put in to action what she had been in classes for 16 hours a day.  She said the food there was ok, but she was glad to not have to eat it anymore.  After we hung up, I have to say, it was difficult to go into work without a little tear in my eye.  Needless to say, I wore my I Love DC shirt!  Ha ha!
As for now, we await P-Day.  Preparation Day (P-Day) is the day where missionaries have the opportunity to do laundry, go shopping for needed items, such as food and toiletries, as well as check out the area in which they live.  OH-AND WRITE TO THEIR FAMILIES!!  So until then, please keep Sister Anderson in your prayers!