Sunday, October 6, 2013

Leaving for Washington DC South Mission

Being new to the blogging world, I find it difficult to keep up with an every day/every week post.  This will be something I continually work on so everyone can be better updated! 

Before Julie left for DC, we received this letter from her:

I get to call you guys from the airport tomorrow night at 2:30 am! It'll be 1:30 for you, but I can totally call you! Just thought I'd let you know! :) I'll call mom's number unless you dearelder me before dinner time and tell me otherwise. 
Today in class we practiced going up to people in the airport and getting referrals before we get to our actual missions! I AM SO EXCITED! I can't wait to start talking to people about who I am and who I represent! The church has always been such a big part of my life and I've never had trouble talking about it to anyone. But now that I'm a MISSIONARY, church IS my life! I am so excited to talk to those people in the airport that the Lord has been preparing for me! Even if I don't get any contacts, I'll be putting my testimony to action! WOOOHOOOO!!!! I am so excited that I just can't sit still. I can't stop smiling! I can't wait to get to that airport! I know there's a least one person there that the Lord wants me to talk to! I can just feel it! 
AND! I get to meet President Riggs tomorrow! I can't wait! 
I used to be scared to actually fly out to DC. But right now, I am burning to get out there! I haven't met anyone yet, but I already love them! Man, I love being a missionary. 
Thanks for all your love and support! I'll be sure to write you more when I have time! 
The church is true. His work is working! 
Sister Anderson
At 4:00am the phone rang!   Her flight left at 6am and she had just a few minutes to chat.  So I ran up and woke Dayle JR, Belana, and Brendan.  We all piled on my bed around my cell phone.   Ha ha.  I think we were half asleep, but it was great to hear her voice.  I asked her if she had an opportunity to meet anyone yet and she said that their group were the only ones there.  She said she still had time to make a contact or talk with someone.  Her travel plans included a layover in Minneapolis, MN, so she still had time.  That girl is really on FIRE.  I don't remember much about our early morning conversation, but I could feel her love for the Lord and could tell she was going to serve with all her might.  She has always been such a spiritual person.  I look up to her for that.
I also received another phone call from Julie as I was driving to work.  We talked for maybe five minutes during her layover in MN.  Talked about the MTC a little bit.  She said it was hard work and how she was glad to put in to action what she had been in classes for 16 hours a day.  She said the food there was ok, but she was glad to not have to eat it anymore.  After we hung up, I have to say, it was difficult to go into work without a little tear in my eye.  Needless to say, I wore my I Love DC shirt!  Ha ha!
As for now, we await P-Day.  Preparation Day (P-Day) is the day where missionaries have the opportunity to do laundry, go shopping for needed items, such as food and toiletries, as well as check out the area in which they live.  OH-AND WRITE TO THEIR FAMILIES!!  So until then, please keep Sister Anderson in your prayers!

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