Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 1, 2014 - Some Pictures

I asked Julie to send some pictures and she did, however, she doesn't label them.  So honestly, I do NOT know what is going on in several of them  The hotdog thing?  You got me?  And why is she pointing at the tail light of a car?  I don't know!   So enjoy seeing her beautiful smiley face!

Heart Attacking someone's door!

Is that dinner?  Is that a Hot dog flower?  Maybe a Hotdog Octopus?

What ever that Hotdog creation is, it looks amazing!

Again, not sure what's up with the tail light.  Humm, maybe a reflection of something?

Here she actually told me she was posing with a nun, Sister Andrea.  I don't know where she met Sister Andrea but she looks pretty nice.

Stormy Weather!

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