Hello there!
We had an AMAZING WEEK AHHHHH!!!!!!!!! We hit our mission standard!!!! The Washington DC South mission standard is to find 3 new investigators each week, get 2 investigators to church, and have 2 investigators on date always. I haven't quite hit it yet so far since President Riggs announced it a transfer ago, but this week we did!! And it was Sister Williams' first full week in the mission! She is amazing! We make a powerhouse companionship! We are both extremely bold and fearless. I'm sorry if it sounds cocky, but it just feels so great to have a companion on the same page as you so that there is literally nothing holding back the work.
We have been so busy going from appointment to appointment non stop. It's the best feeling ever to have places to be and people to teach. We had 6 lessons on Tuesday between the hours of 4-9. First we met with Marita and took Bishop Gardner with us. Then we rushed to dinner at my favorite Mexican restaurant called El Vaquero with some members and we had a quick lesson after we ate. Then we ran over to the church to meet one of our investigators, Ashleigh. While we were waiting for her to come, we saw a kid cutting through the empty church parking lot. He was probably walking home from school or a friends house or something. But I was on the phone and Sister Williams goes, "Sister Anderson! Ah! There's a guy walking kinda toward us!! What do we do!?" I was on the phone, so I just said, "Go talk to him!!!" And she looked at me, looked at the kid, took a deep breath and then said, "Okay!" and hopped out of the car and marched right up to him!!! MAN I love being her trainer! She actually does what I say! hahahahhahaha. It was soooo funny! I ended the phone call and went to help her teach and we made him a new investigator while Ashleigh pulled up. We had a great lesson with her where she committed to being baptized on October 25th and coming to church this Sunday! SO AWESOME. We just had a great day filled with opportunities to teach on the way to our teaching appointments.
Ashleigh is one of our most progressing investigators right now. We do have her on date for Oct 25, but it miiiiight take a while longer for her to be baptized. She learns a little more slowly and has a lot of stuff going on. :( She needs this gospel more than anything!!! I'm so grateful that we are blessed to teach her and help her realize that she is a daughter of God who loves her so much! She lives out on Bull Run Mountain and is uncomfortable with us coming inside her house because her dad doesn't like us...so she takes us to her special spot in the forest next to a little stream/creek thing. It's really cool. It's her little safe haven that she always goes to to get away. And she trusts us enough to take us there! It was REALLY cool when we taught her the Restoration because it felt like we were in a little grove of trees! When we shared Joseph Smith's first vision, it was pretty powerful. I have decided that going to Palmyra NY is on my life's bucket list. I want to visit the real sacred grove someday!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like it's a MUST-DO, especially since all I do is talk about what happened there in 1820 every day of my life. :) Anyway, Ashleigh is sweet. She's 21 and has become one of my good friends. I love her so much! AND she DID come to church on Sunday!!!!
There was another investigator of ours that came to church on Sunday too! His name is Rahfi (rhymes with toffee). He's muslim. We met him on the very first night Sister Williams got here. We were walking back to our car at the end of the night and we saw him walking up his porch steps to go in for the night and we stopped him. Before we could testify or teach him anything on his doorstep to make him a new investigator, Sister W got way excited and bursted out, "When can we meet with you?!" And he said Saturdays were best. He agreed to meet us at the church. Okay, the greenie fire is real. Haha. When that first Saturday rolled around, I didn't think Rahfi would actually show. We called him right before the appointment, and he said that he was still wanting to meet with us!!! I was shocked! My past experience with this type of situation usually ends with us getting our hopes up and being blown off...but he was still on! We wound up rescheduling with him to the following Saturday (this last Saturday that just happened) because our day was a little crazy last week. So we meet up with him Saturday morning at the church. We went into the lesson not knowing a single hting about him- which is fine because it really pushed us to rely on the spirit. We asked him about his religious background and he said that he's muslim!! Wow. I'm just being surprised all over the place with this guy. I've NEVER had a muslim want to listen to me... Not that it doesn't ever happen, but usually they don't want to change because it could potentially mean putting their lives on the line and being kicked out from their families. It was a good lesson. Sister W did great! She's got the new missionary fire and excitement, but she doesn't act like a new missionary. She seems so experienced, it's not even funny. She's so confident and trusts God SO much!!!
I can't even write about everything that's happened this week. But we did hit mission standard, we had at least 20 lessons- most of which were investigator lessons- and it was just awesome. We rocked this week.
Oh yeahHHH!!! So we had 2 investigators at church and a less active show up!!!!!!!! So the ward now sees the work that we are doing and they'll want to help us with our work!! AND ON TOP OF THAT- President and Sister Riggs came to our ward to speak this Sunday!!!! We told Sister Riggs that we were going to hit mission standard and she said taht she was so proud of us!!! Sister Riggs is a lot more shy than President Riggs is (which is good because they compliment each other perfectly) but it's really hard to impress her. So for her to tell us that she was proud of us and excited for the work that we were doing made me feel like I was on cloud 9!!! I know for a fact that it's not about me, but I'm so grateful that the Lord has supported me while I've been training a new missionary. It's hard as it is to get used to a new companion and learning how to work together with all our strengths and weaknesses, but training on top of that is super stressful. It just feels good to know that I am a trainer that my trainee can trust, that President and Sister Riggs can trust and who the Lord can trust to get the work done. It was a huge relief!
I just love Sister Williams. Really I do!!! I might have said this last week, but I feel like I am training myself! So yeah, there has been a bit of clash because we are both strong leaders, but we've been able to work through it. It's SO nice to have a companion that is willing to talk out a problem when it arises. It's incredible to me that we were still able to teach a few powerful lessons while we had hard feelings toward one another, because now that we've worked through it and have become better friends, I can't wait to see the miracles that are going to happen now that we are completely unified and understanding of one another!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) The only thing that I forsee that will stop us from working in unity is my pride. So I'm really working on setting my pride to the side so that the spirit can take over.
Hey- what have you been reading/listening to from the Book of Mormon??? I just finished reading the Book of Mormon "general conference" in Mosiah 2. I LOVE King Benjamin's address!!! It hits my heart every time I read it. Mosiah 2:21-24 stuck out to me the most.
21 I say unto you that if ye should serve him who has created you from the beginning, and is preserving you from day to day,by lending you breath, that ye may live and move and do according to your own will, and even supporting you from one moment to another—I say, if ye should serve him with all your whole souls yet ye would be unprofitable servants.
22 And behold, all that he requires of you is to keep his commandments; and he has promised you that if ye would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land; and he never doth vary from that which he hath said; therefore, if ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you.
23 And now, in the first place, he hath created you, and granted unto you your lives, for which ye are indebted unto him.
24 And secondly, he doth require that ye should do as he hath commanded you; for which if ye do, he doth immediately bless you; and therefore he hath paid you. And ye are still indebted unto him, and are, and will be, forever and ever; therefore, of what have ye to boast?
I've been learning a TON about humility since I was called to be Sister Williams' trainer. I've learned that I am literally nothing without God. Heavenly Father really is so good to us. Even though there's nothing we can do to pay Him back, He just wants to bless us. And all He expects is that we keep His commandments. He does that so He can bless us even MORE!
My goodness God is so good.
I love the Book of Mormon.
I love you all! Have a great week!!
Sister Anderson
Sister Anderson
Julie with Small Children! Surprised? Nope! |
She said that she was making kid burritos! Ha ha |
Grimes girls |
Outside Elders serve in Centerville Ward and the middle Elders Serve in the Haymarket Ward. |
I see that there is a Diploma, but I don't know what this is about! Sorry! They look super happy though. |
Sister Havrilla letting Julie pet her rooster! |
Pretty daring. At least it isn't a dog! |
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Virginia Sunrise! |
Sister Williams after a day in the mission field! Julie said she worked her to death! Ha ha! |
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