Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 18, 2013 - Departure Day

Finally, the day had arrived!  It was an early morning when everyone piled into the van for the long awaited trip to the airport.  We dropped Sister Anderson off at the SeaTac Airport.  It was a bittersweet day.  Lots of hugs, some tears, and excitement for all to go around.   We are very proud of Julie for making her decision to serve a full time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  She will be serving in the Washington DC South mission.  Sorry--the White House is on the other side of the Potomac River! :)

Check out Sister Anderson's arrival -

Walking into the airport.

Giving Dad A Hug!
Sisters - So Sweet!
Dayle and Julie!
Brendan gives Julie a big hug!
Tyler just gets a handshake!!
Brendan, Dayle Jr., Julie, and Belana
The Andersons!

Last words of advice from Dad!
Julie waiting to go through security.

Other side of security, after she gave up her toothpaste and hairspray! 
The TSA kindly brought them back to us!  How nice.
I hope she was able to get some toothpaste at the MTC!!!  Ha ha.
Brendan and Pink Kitty! 
(Julie gave that to him years ago)


  1. Its so fun to see what happened in Washington. I can't believe she is out in the mission field. This will be a life-changing experience for her. The emotions were very intense at the MTC. You should be very proud of her!

    1. Thanks Mike. It was totally fun to hear about her wild adventure on your side as well. I thought it was GREAT! She will do very well. I am very proud of her and hope she continues the great work she is doing. Thanks again for helping pick her up! Love you!
