Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 11, 2013 - Finally an email from Sister Anderson!!!

I didn't post anything last week, because there really wasn't anything to post.  Julie just emailed us and let us know she was alright.  Maybe a totally of six sentences.  Needless to say, we were disappointed.  This week, however, she sent a great email that I am posting.  I looked up the scriptures on the bottom and I like the one in Joshua, I didn't get the humor in the Alma verse.  Maybe it is just some funny missionary humor?  I don't know.  Anyway---she seems happy.  Trying to figure out her rash.  I have a picture, but I hesitate to post it, maybe later!   Enjoy and please feel free to mail her anything at her address. If she is transferred tomorrow I will be posting a new address tomorrow.

Oh--also, if you have noticed, there are some links on the side of this that are blogs of a few of Julie's friends who are serving from this the Olympia/Lacey/Tumwater area. (Or in the case of Elder Oliver--used to live here).  It is a work in progress and if you would like me to include your missionary please just let me know!  Thanks!  How exciting!!!

Sister Anderson
Sister McKenna and Sister Anderson
Here's is the email from Sister Anderson--

I was able to print off your emails from last week. So I can actually answer your questions! Yes, I  bought a coat from TJMAXX. It's a Calvin Clein. And it's really long. AND SO WARM. Mmmm. It's nice. I love it. It was supposed to snow today...
You asked about how money works for missionaries. The missionary department pays for rent, the car, insurance... When it comes to food and things that I need, they put $175 on a debit card that they gave me every month. And if I don't use it all one month, it spills over to the next month!
Sister McKenna has a card reader she's willing to let me borrow. Unfortunately, she forgot it at home today. So I will send pictures home next week. Be patient with me! Sorry!!!
Just so you know, those websites that you referred me to are probably great. But they are not mission approved!
Speaking of websites, I am able to go on Facebook to enhance my missionary work as of today! Woo! Before I actually start using it to find and teach though, I have to clean it up a bit. So don't be alarmed if you see any changes.
AS FOR MY ALLERGY THING: I went to an allergist last Tuesday. He had no idea what was going on either. I took a picutre that I was going to send to you today...but the card reader is at home. So you get to see it next week. It's all over my arms and legs. It looks like a combination of chicken pox and bed bugs, but it's neither of those things. I have little red bumps/boils all over. They itch really bad and when I wake up in the morning, it hurts a lot. I subconsiously itch, so I have lots of scabs. It's really embarassing. I wear long sleeves and tights every single day. Seriously, it confuses every doctor I see. This last allergist though took a picture of it and is working to find out what it might be. I know for a fact that it's not bed bugs, I've checked my bed a gazillion times. I am not sick, and it's not contagious, otherwise Sis MCKenna would have it too. That's all that I really know how to describe. I'm sorry you feel out of the loop.
President Riggs wants everyone to tell their friends and family to send letters directly to their apartments. The mission office is overloaded right now, and sorting letters is adding to their stress. My apartment address is 3201 Landover St #502 Alexandria, VA 22305. Please let everyone know to help out the mission office!
Transfers are this week. I don't find out if I'm being transfered until later tonight. If I do end up being transfered, I am allowed to email you my new address this Friday.
Okay. I think I covered everything. I hope I didn't miss anything. And if I did, I am sorry. I'm not perfect!
So Halloween was okay. I made sure to eat lots of chili. Not the same as Dad's famous chili, but it made me feel a little bit at home. :)
My mission is just the best. I get to try all sorts of different foods from different cultures! I've had Korean, Italian and WEST AFRICAN food in the past coulpe of weeks. One lady in the ward from Korea made us cod, black rice, sea week stuff and something else that looked like a cross between green beans and garden worms...I forgot what it was called. But I ate all of it! Be proud! I actually like it okay. Another member jsut loves to cook. He made us an Italian dish called Carbonara. It was delicious. I told him the story about how my dad would make food for us and put the word "mission" in front of its name and how I wouldn't eat any of it. He thought that was funny. He told me to make Mission Carbonara for my dad when I get home to see who makes better mission food. :) So I have the recipe! Be prepared for yummy food in 17 months! Haha! Sunday night one of t he members had an African dinner party. You HAVE to tell Stacey Ejim!! It was the coolest thing ever! I ate real African food with real Africans! hahaha!!!!! They thought it was funny to try to convince me that I needed to eat all the chicken bones. They told me that it was custom to eat it to get the bone marrow! I guess that's how they do it in Africa, but I just couldn't do it! They laughed at me for a long time... oh dear. Two men were from Ghana, one from Liberia, and one from Sierra Leon. One man had served his mission in Uganda, and one had served in Nigeria(which is why I immediately thought of STACEY!!! ahhh!!) Seriously. Going to Africa is on my life bucket list. Out of all the many people that I've met out here from many different countries, Africans are by far my favorite.
Update on the work: George isn't progressing. So we're going to give him a break. He flat out told us that he lets us meet with him for social purposes....awkward. He just doesn't get out much. We have a lot of potential investigators though. We have Say, Jay, Ibraheim, Mauricio, Doug, Julio, and Ann. Pray that these people will make time for the missionaries!
We were able to run home and grab the card reader!!! WOOO
It's almost impossible for a missionary to not be homesick. We teach of families all day long. Families are central to Christ's church. I am constantly reminded of the blessings that come from having an eternal family. And I'm just so grateful that I get to share those blessings with each of you! Now, by homesick, I don't mean that I really want to come home...because I want to be here on my mission! But I miss my mom and dad. I miss my built in best friends. I miss going on brother/sister dates. I miss sneaking into my sister's room late at night to giggle over silly boys or to cry over school problems. I missed Dayle scaring me. (Okay. I DO NOT miss that aweful chicken. UGH) I miss dancing and giggling and being weird with Brendan. I miss being able to get a hug whenever I need one. I miss calling or texting them whenever I feel like it. I miss you guys a lot. I wish I could have taken you on my mission with me! The best part of it is though, is that eventhough we can't be together right now at this moment, we've got all eternity! And I wouldn't want to spend eternity with anyone else! I love you all so much!
Be sure to look up Alma 60:7. it's funny. and also Joshua 3:7. it gives me strength.
Love you all so much! Have a great week! I think about you gusy all the time!
Sister Anderson

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