Sunday, November 3, 2013

October 28, 2013 - Online Proselyting Missionaries

Here is Sister Anderson's last letter.  Sounds like she is doing well.  She is excited about the online adventure that will soon be presented!  Still working on the rash deal.  Hope she gets that all worked out soon.   Thanks everyone for your love and prayers on behalf of Julie.
Hey everyone! So since I only get ONE HOUR a week to email (and that includes writing my mission president and doing online work) it would be really easy and convenient for me if you could sent me letters throughout the week. You could type them up and print them out and send them to me. That way I have time to read them during personal time before bed. I like to plan out what I'm going to write in my emails on a piece of paper before I get to the library. It's a lot less stressful that way. I spend a lot of time reading all my emails- especially the longer ones....
Okay. News on the skin allergy thing. The silly doctor had no idea how to help me. And he sat there for at least 15 minutes asking me the same questions over and over, but worded a little differently each time. Everyone is a politician out here! It drives me nuts! No matter how many times they ask me the same question, the answer is going to be the same! Oh boy....but yeah. They're going to call me hopefully tomorrow morning with my lab results. Thanks for sending my insurance card though. That helps a lot. I'll be sure to call the customer service number as soon as I hear about the results.
My sister training leader told me that a lot of people see allergies on their missions that they've never had before because this is such a critical time and Satan wants to get us down. I feel like that's true. But Satan's NOT going to get me down! It's made me work even harder!
EXCITING NEWS! We're going to be online proselyting missionaries!! That means we get iPhones and iPads. AND we get Facebook. I am going to be the BEST Facebook missionary ever! I'm such a good stalker! Pretty much professional. ;) But seriously though. I am so excited to use media in my missionary work. Media has such a negative influence on the world as it is. And yet! There is opposition in all things! It is going to be used for SO MUCH GOOD! It's so exciting! President mentioned something about how we could Skype friends and family from home and teach them the missionary lessons. :O wut. I don't know the details, but I will keep all of you updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This Friday we had a mission conference for all the sister missionaries. Sister Riggs spoke about women's role in the priesthood. She said that even though we don't actually hold the priesthood, we still have access to it. The way that she explained it was really empowering. She said that we can ask for help from angels and that we can pray for specific angels to come and help us. Sometimes I pray for GG to help me out because I actually knew her. :) Sis Riggs also talked about how when the Lord hastens his work on one side of the veil, you'd better believe he's hastening it on the other side as well! I know that's true! There are so many of my ancestors who are helping me! There are also ancestors of my future investigators that are helping me find their children! God has two armies working together. He has missionaries and people that we can see on this side of the veil, and he has numberless concourses on the other side that we can't see. Satan's 1/3 army doesn't even stand a chance! It's so great.
Update on George, our only progressing investigator. Yeah...he's not progressing. It's so sad. We're probably going to have to take a break with him for a while and it makes my heart hurt... He's SO CLOSE. But he isn't keeping any of his commitments. We're going to meet with him one more time to see where things are before we call it quits for a while.
Miracles happen! We were at the right place at the right time. We stopped into the church building for a quick bathroom break and ran into some other sister missionaries. they needed to go on a split because two of their appointments were going to overlap. So I went with one sister and taught their investigator the restoration. Their investigator decided last minute to bring a friend that was curious!!!! AND he is 37 which means he'd be in the Potomac Mid Singles ward!!!!!!!! WE might have a new investigator!!! We were SOOOO exciteedd! God is so good.
I'm really trying hard to be united with sis McKenna. The closer we get to teaching with unity, the more annoyed with each other we get over petty topics. It's so dumb. Satan knows that when we start teaching with power, we are going to start changing lives. That's because when we teach in unity, the spirit can step in and take over. The spirit is the real teacher here. Obviously, Satan doesn't want that.... So we're trying not to let that get us down!
Quick word about modesty: Let everyone who is going to go on a mission know that the rules are for serious! Let the sisters know to be more professional than fashionable. It's exciting that we get to wear colors and patterns, but we are servants of the Lord. Just spread the word. Make sure that skirts cover the front and back of your knees and that the hemline is one length. So no high-low skirts or tribally skirts (like that one that I brought. :( )
I've been thinking about LIGHT a lot recently. In D&C 88:67 it says,
And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things.
WOW. I mean, we have some pretty great blessings that are promised to us! And all we have to do is keep our eye single to the glory of God! Granted, it's much easier said than done, but it is so worth it!! I had a blessing from an elder in my zone at the MTC the night before we left for DC and I was promised that the people I came in contact with would see my light as I testified of the Savior and his restored gospel. What a great promise! It reminds me of the scripture mastery Matt 5:14-16, Part of it says, Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven... We have to LET our light shine! Don't hold anything back! I'm just really motivated to be myself with every single person I talk to, even though sometimes it's hard.
"She walked not in the borrowed light of others, but faced the morning unafraid and invincible" -tribute to Eliza R. Snow at her funeral by Joseph F Smith.
I want to be remembered by my light and the light of Christ when it's my time to go home. :)
I've been trying to keep up with my Book of Mormon reading goal.... it's hard. but it's going. 2 Ne 22:2 behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also has become my salvation. A few versus later in verse 5 it reads, Sing unto the Lord; for he hath done excellent things; this is known in all the earth. I don't really like the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon because Isaiah is good at confusing me...but I really like how much he talks about singing and rejoicing in our God. I love singing! The first thing I'm going to do when I make it to the celestial kingdom is to audition to be in the top heavenly choir! Haha. But in the mean time, I have to sing heavenly praises in these earthly choirs. Which are pretty great! I love that I get to use my talent to praise the Lord! It's the best. :)
I love you all! I loved the homecoming pictures! Everyone looks so good!!!! Andersons are just attractive! That's all that there is to it! Haha. Have a great week!! You're all in my prayers!
Sister Anderson

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