Thursday, August 14, 2014

August 11, 2014 - Bull Run

We went hiking on Bull Run Mountain today!! That's why I'm emailing SO late!! It was so much fun! Well, we didn't have a map and no one knew where we were going, so we just kinda hiked around until half of the sisters got too tire to move...but I wanted to go to the top!!! So I made Sister Lamborn and a few other sisters come to the top with me. Haha. We passed some people on the trail and they let us take a picture of their map. There was no way I was going home without going to the top! I took lots of pictures with Sister Lamborn. We did a photo shoot on the top of the "mountain" while the other sisters talked about the drama in their lives.
Shadow pose!

Book of Mormon Heart! Sister Anderson and Sister Lamborn.

Top of the Mountain!
This week just flew by. We have THREE NEW INVESTIGATORS! WOO! They are totally awesome. I'll be sure to write more about them next week. Their names are Donna, Larry and Bill. Donna and Larry are married and older, both retired from the military, ride motorcycles together...and Donna's a Mary Kay consultant. Bill is married to Brandi who has been in active since she was 14. they fed us Jumbalya. I don't think I spelled that right...but it was relaly good. they're from the south! It was nice and spicy! Mmmmm. 
I honestly can't remember a single thing right now. I know I wrote a lot down in my journal..and I don't have it with me right now...
Something I've been studying about a lot lately is about women and the priesthood. And MAN I am so grateful to be woman!!! Think about it. Men have to be worthy to hold the power of the priesthood, whereas women are BORN with the power of creation. There's no condition for women to have the power of creation!! We play such an important role in Heavenly Father's plan. I don't know if you've heard of Kate Kelly and what happened with her in the Oakton stake...but it's just silly for any group of people to petition the prophet to try to change the mind of God. God's ways are already set... I'm grateful that I am a daughter of God!!!!!!! I'm grateful for the sons of God who bear the priesthood of God, and I'm also grateful that I don't have that kind of responsibility. I'm just on a "girl power" high right now I guess. If you haven't already, be sure to read Elder Oaks' talk called the Power and Authority of the Priesthood.
I love love LOVE the chapters about the army of Helaman and how they were righteous and exactly obedient because their mothers raised them to trust in the Lord 100%! It always makes me weepy when I read it because I think of Mom. :) 
Hope you have a great week! I love you all so much! I love who I am and what I'm doing! This church is TRUE!!
Sister Anderson

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