Wednesday, August 13, 2014

July 14, 2014 - Release Date April 3, 2015

Helloooooooooooooo family!
This week was awesome. So much happened.
Monday night we went to a member's home and taught her non member niece who is staying here for the summer. Her niece, Cammi, had just come back from girls camp and had a great time. We talked about Heavenly Father and how important the gift of the Holy Ghost is. She said that she really wanted it and accepted a soft baptismal invite! She's going out of town for the next couple of weeks to NY to see the pageants with her aunt, so she'll be spiritually fed before we meet with her again. She's so great.
Tuesday morning we finished our studies and left to go to District Meetings. On the drive there, I checked the phone to see two missed calls and a voice message from Sister Riggs.... Jinkies. Why was our mission president's wife trying to get ahold of us?! I called her back and she said that she was coming to our meeting and then planned on tagging along with us for the ENTIRE DAY. What. I hung up the phone an immediately Sister Lamborn and I started freaking out. What did we do wrong?!?!?!!! Ahh! hahaha. It was really funny. I was laughing the whole car ride there. About an hour after Sister Riggs had been with us, I straight up asked her if we did anything wrong. Haha! She said that her kids were on vacation in Arizona for the week and she wanted to come out with us!!!! She could have chosen any other set of sisters, but she chose to come out with US! I felt really special after that. :) I used to be really intimidated by Sister Riggs. She's naturally shy and pretty strict. I just needed to get to know her...that was a tender mercy. Now I look up to her SO MUCH. She is crazy bold and practices what she preaches. She is a Preach My Gospel missionary and I want to be just like her! We checked on a few potentials with her and where I would have normally thanked them  and walked away, she made a teaching opportunity of the situation. I've been more bold with that after she came out with us and we've had more lessons than normal! It's been awesome. I love Sister Riggs.
Haha I just had a thought. It's pretty embarassing that I didn't leave the country or learn a new language. I don't have any excuse to have such poor grammar in my letters home! Oh well. I'm too lazy to make ever sentence perfect! So I apologize if I repeat myself or if I don't make sense. :) hahaha!
Thursday we checked up on a former investigator and she let us right in! She was talking on the phone when we knocked and she just opened the door and pointed to the couch and kept talking. It was as though we had been friends for a long time and she didn't even bother asking us our names. It was really funny. Her name is Casey and she is friends with a member in our ward. She used to be married to someone from the church and she has taken the missionary lessons on and off over the past couple of years. She's had a hard life and her family is a Yours, Mine and Ours type of family. She LOVES her three girls. They're pretty cute. We just talked with Casey, but she told us that she wanted to start going to church with her family and she wants us to come back next Tuesday to teach everyone!!!! Woo!! We've been praying SO hard to find a family <3
Friday we had a last minute Sisters Conference. Since we had just finished our interviews with President, he wanted to address all the Sisters as a whole. The majority of them all beat themselves up. Women are just harder on themselves than they are on others. I have been doing really well lately and felt like it wasn't directed at me in this moment in time, but it was still really great to be there and feel the spirit. President and Sister Riggs talked a lot about how we are Daughters of our Heavenly Father. They made us stand up and recite the YW theme. Pretty cool. They talked about all the storms in our lives and gave us some scriptures that talk about the resources we have in weathering those storms: Doctrine and Covenants 115:6, Alma 26:5-6, and Helaman 5:12. I am going to look to these verses for the rest of my life!!!! The first verse talks about how we are surrounded by the stakes of Zion to help us overcome the storms. We have so many great people around us that we can turn to for refuge. The next verse talks about sheaves and garners. The sheaves represent converts and the garners represent temples. We want the sheaves to go into the garners!! President said that he hoped each of us were sheaves and that we would go to the temple regularly- especially after our missions. In that moment I set a goal to go to the temple every week after I get home. It will be a high priority in my life. The last verse is the more common scripture about overcoming storms. It's only through Jesus Christ that our foundations will be strong. I also committed myself to daily scripture study and prayer for the rest of my life. Storms are coming. Satan never stops- and neither will I!!!! I'm grateful for the protective umbrella the gospel provides when I use my resources effectively!
Oh yeah. I get home from my mission on April 3. Haha. Sorry Mom. At least you found out sooner than later, right?...heh heh :) Sorry! I think that's all you would need to know at this moment. I know that when I get closer to that date, the mission office will send me a letter with more information on what needs to happen before I go home. I will be sure to be on top of it so that you will be in the loop!
I need to be better about wearing bug spray...I just get attacked by the mosquitos! Ack! haha. 
Oh I did get the package! Thanks so much! Sister Lamborn tease me when she saw that Grandma had given me intensive anti age cream with spf 25 in it! She said that apparently my pictures home have made me look like my mission has aged my face! Pretty funny! I use it every day anyway :) Hahahaha!
I love you! Have a great week!!!
Sissy Anderson

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