Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 25, 2014


So update on Jeff's baptism: He's going to be baptized on September 20th. I called the Centreville sisters and found out that they still need to teach him a lot of the lessons. But I'm just so happy he wants to get baptized! <3 <3 <3 :D 
Last Monday while we were shopping in Target, I was in line to print some pictures off of my camera, and there was a girl waiting next to us. We started talking and she agreed to meet with us. She goes, "I'll meet up with you guys! I love talking about God!" Woo! Preparation day miracle!!! She met us at the church on Tuesday after our district meetings. We had a great lesson with her. We made our purpose clear and established expectations. We didn't have enough time to talk about the entire Restoration, but she said she'd meet with us again the following Tuesday! Sister Lamborn was really bold and invited her to be baptized on September 27th and she said that she'd think about it!!! She's soul searching right now and I think she will progress! :) I'm so excited!!! 
We had a harder time finding this week in comparison to the past couple of weeks, but we still met lots of great people! God has been putting more prepared people in our path lately. I attribute that to the fact that we have lots of member families moving in who are ALL missionary minded- two of the families have dads that were ward mission leaders in their past wards and another family just LOVES to share the gospel in every conversation. In a correlation meeting our bishop said, "I think the Lord's trying to tell us something." :D :D :D YES YES YES!! Our own ward mission leader, Brother Taylor has caught the vision too! He made a huge google doc spread sheet to help us report to the ward council more easily about the contact we've made with less active and inactive members (only 50% of the ward is active). He's also making more of an effort to help us find members to come out with us. Right now the members aren't so excited about missionary work, but the bishop and ward mission leader are pumped!!! So I KNOW that the work will pick up here pretty soon. I can feel change in the air! :) I studied Alma 43 and 44 about Captain Moroni. He's such a great leader! He was so motivating and helped his troops to be united!! So I suggested to the ward mission leader that we have a ward wide fast for the missionary work in our ward. Right now our ward members are not very united, and to unite them, we're going to ask them to unite with us in prayer and fasting to bring souls unto Christ! Brother Taylor said that was a great idea and that he'd see what Bishop thought!! I cannot wait for the miracles!
We have a less active we've been working with who is having a hard time. He has word of wisdom issues and doesn't feel like he's ever had answers from God. He's had a tough life. Poor guy. We've taught him all the missionary lessons and tonight after praying really hard about it, we're finally teaching him about the word of wisdom!!! Believe it or not, this will be the first time teaching it to someone on my mission, outside of a practice teach with other missionaries. I think it's really funny that I've gone so long on my mission and haven't had to teach it...I'm either transferred before I get to that point, or they decide that they don't want to have the lessons any more. I'm actually way excited to teach it to him tonight!! I know it will help him more than anything else!
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. It means a lot!!! Man, I can't believe Elder Ostler is home from his mission! I feel like he just left! I remember writing him when he was in the MTC and how he said it was hard because he could hear the BYU football fans! Hahaha! 
I love you all! If you haven't seen the clip from Elder Bednar about online missionary work, you NEED to watch it!!! The link below is for the 5 minute video, but I started watching the link to his 40 minute seminar at BYU and got goosebumps!!! It's so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!! His words are so powerful! I know that we were saved for these last days to help the Lord hasten His work using the wonderful technology that He's given us!
I love you! Don't forget to read the Book of Mormon! I decided I'm going to start it over again from the beginning because I've been all over the place with it. The Book of Mormon is a gold mine for personal revelation! It worked when I was seeking help from the Lord for knowledge of what I could do to help unite the Haymarket ward and hasten the work in this area! And I know it works in every aspect of life!!!! 
Have a great week!
Sister Anderson :)

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